I went into mouse settings on Mac and disabled right click capability. Splashtop Personal - Remote Desktop gives you high-performance remote access to your PC or Mac from your Windows tablet. September 21, 2011 – San Jose, CA – Splashtop Inc., the worldwide leader in cross-device computing, today announced the release of its Mac client for Splashtop Remote Desktop to be demonstrated at MacWorld Asia 2011, Beijing, China, September 22-25.

I have splashtop …

Browse the web using IE, Chrome, and Firefox with full Flash and Java support.

Splashtop is the easiest, fastest, secure remote desktop app for accessing your Windows or Mac computer using your Android phone or tablet, from anywhere and at anytime!

Splashtop is the ONLY remote access product capable of delivering full audio and HD video streaming and even interactive 3D gaming.

Splashtop Personalという個人利用向けのリモート接続用ソフトウェア。 WindowsやMacなどのOSの違いを気にすることなくソフトをインストールするだけでリモートで接続できたり、モバイルデバイスでもリモート接続可能などのメリットがあります。 でもって無料。

I have Mac 10.13.6 on both Streamer and personal Splashtop computers.

Play 3D PC and Mac games. (Splashtop offers a Personal flavor for one’s non-business use that doesn’t include internet-based access, which is a $13 a year add-on. Download the Splashtop Personal app for your iOS device, Android, Kindle Fire, Windows tablet, Windows Phone, and of course Mac or Windows PC. Use Splashtop for free to access your computer on the local network with best-in-class video streaming performance. View and edit Microsoft Office and PDF files.

(Access across the Internet requires purchase of the optional Anywhere Access Pack.) Splashtop Streamer Downloads Install the Splashtop Streamer on any Windows or Mac computers that you want to remotely access, view, and control from another device using the Splashtop app.

Splashtop is the easiest and fastest way to access your Mac or Windows PC from your iPad! Access your Mac and Windows PC from practically any mobile device or computer. Splashtop Personal works across multiple operating systems.

Splashtop Remote Desktop Delivers a True HD Experience and File Access from Mac-to-PC and Mac-to-Mac. Use Splashtop to access your computer on the local network with best-in-class video streaming performance. ローカルネットワーク 内 であれば 無料で利用できる Windows / Mac / Android / Linux など 多様なプラットフォームに対応した シンプルで使いやすい リモートデスクトップアプリ Splashtop Personal のインストールと使い方 を図説 。 I do not have lock keyboard or enable blank screen checked.

When I remote in, my mouse is automatically stuck in right-click.

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