ISSN: 2160-3308. Abstract. X 7, 041072 (2017) Nearly deconfined spinon excitations in the square-lattice spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet
Physical Review Style and Notation Guide I. Physical Review is an American peer-reviewed scientific journal established in 1893 by Edward Nichols.It publishes original research as well as scientific and literature reviews on all aspects of physics.It is published by the American Physical Society (APS). INTRODUCTION This notation guide represents a compendium of gen-eral Physical Review style rules to help authors when preparing a paper for submittal as a REVTEX com-puscript or a conventional manuscript. We have an impact factor of 3.322 (2008) and are ranked number one in total citations in condensed matter physics. Phys. Abstract. 50. Detection-based error mitigation using quantum autoencoders, X.-M. Zhang, W. Kong, M. U. Farooq, M.-H. Yung, G. Guo and X. Wang, The electrical Hall effect is the production, upon the application of an electric field, of a transverse voltage under an out-of-plane magnetic field. Rev. PHYS. Phys.
X 10, 021046 – Published 29 May 2020
X 7, 041003 (2017) - Ultrabright GeV Photon Source via Controlled Electromagnetic Cascades in Laser-Dipole Waves Rev. Prethermalization without Temperature David J. Luitz, Roderich Moessner, S. L. Sondhi, and Vedika Khemani Phys. Immense Magnetic Response of Exciplex Light Emission due to Correlated Spin-Charge Dynamics Yifei Wang, Kevser Sahin-Tiras, Nicholas J. Harmon, Markus Wohlgenannt, and Michael E. Flatté* Department of Physics and Astronomy and Optical Science and Technology Center, ... YIFEI WANG et al. Phys. The journal is in its third series, and is split in several sub-journals each covering a particular field of physics. Physical Review B is the largest and most comprehensive international journal specializing in condensed matter and materials physics, publishing important papers on a wide range of topics. Rev.
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Preprints . It is essential that notation be consistent and standardized so that all pa- X Johannes Bausch, Toby S. Cubitt, Angelo Lucia, and David Perez-Garcia Accepted 27 May 2020. Phys Rev X Debuts with Top-Ten “Impact Factor” Ranking: APS to Participate in Multi-Publisher Open Access Research Clearinghouse: Meeting Helps Bridge Programs Interact: Executive Officer Kate Kirby Plans Strategically for 2nd Term: All Five US Physics Olympians Come Home with Medals: Winners Selected in APS Middle-School Science Program
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