enable contextMenu to be shown on specified trigger elements $(".some-selector").contextMenu(true); Manually show a contextMenu. this example thought you can learn how to disable right click on page or image or any html tag.

Example $.contextMenu({ selector: 'span.context-menu', autoHide: true }); zIndex. Forks. $(document).bind("contextmenu", function(e) { return false; }); That’s all it takes, two simple lines of jQuery and the right click menu feature will be disabled. When using a string icons must be defined in CSS with selectors like .context-menu-item.context-menu-icon-edit, where edit is the icon class specified. This method is a shortcut for .on( "contextmenu", handler ) in the first two variations, and .trigger( "contextmenu" ) in the third. The contextmenu event is sent to an element when the right button of the mouse is clicked on it, but before the context menu is displayed. If You are looking for a simple way to disable right click for any html element then here you will find the best solution to disable right click on page. disable contextMenu to be shown on specified trigger elements $(".some-selector").contextMenu(false); Enable a contextMenu trigger. Today, i am going to tell you how to disable mouse right click on div. Audero Context Menu is a cross-browser jQuery plugin that allows you to show a custom context menu on one or more specified elements. ui (542) jquery (482)

jQuery: Disable right click menu in html page Last update on February 26 2020 08:07:53 (UTC/GMT +8 hours) Specifies the offset to add to the calculated zIndex of the trigger element. 1. Popular Tags.

jQuery - disable context menu right click, cut, copy and paste . Watchers. Even though the code above will work for any of your projects, disabling right-click on an entire site or … jQuery contextmenu plugin, powerful and highly extensible jQuery context menu. Definition and Usage. var items = { firstCommand: { name: "Copy", className: 'contextmenu-item-custom contextmenu-item-custom__highlight' } } icon. Version 2.0.2 Released 7 years ago JeeGoo Context.

In case the context menu key is pressed, the event is triggered on the html element or the currently focused element.

Note: Although the oncontextmenu event is supported in all browsers, the contextmenu attribute is currently only supported in Firefox. Disabled Command Disabled Callback Command Changing Command's disabled status Disabled Menu Adding new Context Menu Triggers Create Context Menu on demand ... Find jQuery contextMenu (2.x) on GitHub. There are some reasons why you will disable the right click of mouse button.

jquery provide contextmenu event that way we can prevent right click on specific html element. In this tutorial, I show how you disable default right click and display your custom context menu on right click using jQuery. 0. Can be a function that returns an int to calculate the zIndex on build. The oncontextmenu event occurs when the user right-clicks on an element to open the context menu.

Set to 0 to prevent zIndex manipulation. Specifies the icon class to set for the item.

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