NOTE: Legacy mode will display all your images, titles and slide text but includes limited functionality thus it does not include navigation arrows or the new drop down gallery tab.
The layout of this template also contains a custom_2 module position that shows on top of the S5 Image and Content Fader (the white boxes on the left side). These are optional and the content area will show with wider if custom_2 is not used. S5 Image and Content Fader should be published to custom_1.
Features at a glance:
- Responsive layout compatible
- horizontal sliding transition
- Choose between 4 slide transitions: Fade, Contiuous Horiztonal, Fade Slide Left, Continuous Vertical
- Specify height and width of module
- Includes a gallery tab drop down to show all images
- Each image slide can have its own hyperlink
- Show up to 10 images at once
- Publish your own content to each picture slide
- Navigation arrows
- Not all slides require titles
- Change delay time
- Hide or show: Navigation arrows, thumbnail carousel and popup text