A .vbs file is a VBScript (Visual Basic Script) file written in the VBScript scripting language that can be executed within Windows or Internet Explorer via the Windows-based script host (Wscript.exe), and may also use the .vb file extension. set WshShell=CreateObject("WScript.Shell") WshShell.Run "runas.exe" & " /u:" & strUser & " " & CDDrive & strCmd WScript.Sleep 1000 WshShell.Sendkeys strPass & "~" It's probably more the bottom part you would be interested in as the top part simply looks to … If you want to run a command 'across the network as another user, you must add the /NETONLY switch to the RUNAS 'command. When running a VBS script by double clicking on the script file, the code does not run as an elevated user.. There are several workarounds to this, such as – using the ‘runas’ command,; opening an elevated command prompt then calling the script using cscript,; or disabling the User Access Control feature. I gave up on runas and got my batch file to trigger a scheduled task which then … C:\Users\f05>cscript.exe C:\Users\f0.CEG\Desktop\DeleteProfiles.vbs / 'USAGE: cscript|wscript VBRUNAS.VBS Username Password Command 'DESC: A RUNAS replacement to take password at a command prompt. Original title : Run Vbs script with Cmd?
'USAGE: cscript|wscript VBRUNAS.VBS Username Password Command 'DESC: A RUNAS replacement to take password at a command prompt. To use the script, pass the full path to a .vbs file to the Sub and it ' will prompt you to run the script elevated. I have a working VBS script to remove profiles but I want to make it auto run from a cd but the script needs syntax to run such as from a command line prompt. 'NOTES: This is meant to be used for local access. With the help of another post, I have developed a self-calling VBS file, accepting a parameter that tells it if it is has been called using administrator credentials. This is my example of the batch file i want to run with the vbs file from a cd. Unfortunately, Windows does not provide Run As ' Administrator on the context of a .vbs file, which is why I made this. ' 'NOTES: This is meant to be used for local access.
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