Il est visible depuis le Mac soit en utilisant le protocole SMB ou AFP.
Time Machine sur NAS Synology.
Die Sicherung Eures Macs auf die Synology-NAS funktioniert im Grunde genauso, wie es auch auf der TimeCapsule oder einer externen Festplatte der Fall ist.
Synology Router Manager. I recently created a new shared folder for time machine backups and a time machine user with RW access according to instructions in the synology tutorial. Background. DiskStation Manager.
One of the many features that Synology supports is Apple’s Time Machine, which of course means that Mac File Service (AFS) is also supported. UPDATE: As of DSM 6.1 Synology now allows multiple shared folders to be used with time machine.
When data is voluminous, real-time backup prevents massive data loss due to unexpected disaster during backup cycles. Speicher für Virtualisierung Virtual Machine Manager. Das Ganze funktioniert sowohl kabellos via WLAN als auch per Ethernet-Verbindung, was natürlich schneller geht. This post applies to DSM 6.0 or older. Run ifconfig to list the active network interfaces and record the name of the interface such as eth0 or ovs_eth0 where the inet addr is the IP address of the NAS. Once configured this will happen automatically, then you will have a local and a cloud-based copy of your Time Machine backup. Google returns several guides on how to backup your Mac using Time Machine with Synology. Multimedia. Produkte. SMB et/ou AFP. Photo Station Moments Audio Station Video Station. 久しぶりにSynology記事ですが、MacからSynologyにTime Machineを使用してバックアップする設定の方法です。 なお、ナレッジ:Time Machine を使用して、Mac から Synology NAS にバックアップを行う方法を参考にしています。 1)まず、Macから接続するためのユーザー作成作りからです。 RT2600ac MR2200ac Client VPN-Zugriffslizenz Site-to-Site VPN-Lizenz. Verwaltung. Hello; I am running a DS916+ and trying to get the unit working as a Time Machine target for the first time. The Synology DS218+ is the company's flagship NAS for consumers, offering support for services including Plex, as well as support for Apple Time Machine.
At this point you have successfully set up your Synology NAS to host your Time Machine backup. Time Machine auf der Synology-NAS ist kein Problem. What follows is how to sync the Time Machine backup to Backblaze B2. Connect via SSH to the NAS with root permission. Time Machine Backups on a non-Apple NAS device will never be officially supported, so you'll have to wait for Synology to bring the fix. Je considère que le NAS a été paramétré au préalable et qu’il fonctionne correctement. Synology Directory Server Central Management System. I previously used time machine with a time capsule and I remember having less issues with backups when compared to my current setup with the Synology NAS. USB Copy 2.0 for external device protection With minimal configuration, USB Copy 1 auto-copies files and folders from your Synology NAS to attached USB/SD storage or reversely for efficient data exchange and backup. Erfahren Sie mehr.
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