I really do not understand why it takes this two different status in … Kassirer served as editor-in-chief of the New England Journal of Medicine from 1991 to 1999.

My manuscript status shows "With Editor" after initial submission.

NEJM Group Editor. NEJM Catalyst Innovations in Care Delivery provides real-life examples and actionable solutions to help organizations address urgent challenges affecting health care today. Family Medicine Board Review Questions Reflect Complexity of Exam — and Real Life The multiple-choice case-based questions in NEJM Knowledge+ match the complexity of decision making in board exams. From the first uses of anesthesia to the most recent cardiology and cancer treatments, the New England Journal of Medicine has helped generations of clinicians enhance their knowledge and improve patient care. NEJM Knowledge+ saves you time and sets you up for success with an engaging, efficient, lifelong learning experience. After 10 days, the status changed to "Editor Assigned". By the Editors. However, it backs again to the first step. As in the MC-FP exam, they all test your knowledge and problem-solving ability. NEJM Catalyst Innovations in Care Delivery is a publication of NEJM Group owned and published by the Massachusetts Medical Society.. The AE will do an initial screening of the manuscript to check its overall scientific value and match with the scope of the paper, after which the paper will either receive a desk rejection or be sent for peer review. Jeffrey Drazen, MD. In 2000, Dr. Drazen was named Editor-in-Chief of the New England Journal of Medicine. Other offerings include Continuing Medical Education, Videos in Clinical Medicine (showing videos of medical procedures), and the weekly Image Challenge. Respectfully, I would like to suggest along with the home visits by the multidisciplinary team , it will be appropriate to asees and start individual / personalized approach with a plan to PREVENT FALLS :Tai chi quam , agility, balance ,stability , strength ( mild to moderate) , gait, and coordination . Editors A 19-year-old man presents for evaluation of a runny nose and tingling of his forehead that started 6 months ago. Unlock all of Rotation Prep by linking your NEJM Resident 360 profile to your personal or institutional subscription to NEJM, NEJM Journal Watch, or NEJM Knowledge+. Then, (after two days) it takes "Editor invited". Dr. Richard Smith, former editor of the BMJ, offered this advice: Change the raison d’etre.

NEJM editor: “No longer possible to believe much of clinical research published” Posted on November 9, 2009 by Carolyn Thomas Harvard Medical School’s Dr. Marcia Angell is the author of The Truth About the Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us and What to Do About It. Acid-Base Status & Electrolytes ... Unlock all of Rotation Prep by linking your NEJM Resident 360 profile to your personal or institutional subscription to NEJM, NEJM Journal Watch, ... Jeffrey Drazen, MD, is a pulmonologist and critical care physician, and NEJM Group Editor. The status "Editor Assigned" means that your paper has been assigned to an Associate Editor (AE) who will be in charge of it. NEJM Journal Watch Audio General Medicine brings you the same expert summaries of research articles from major medical journals that are found in NEJM Journal Watch General Medicine, plus expert interviews in each edition.Each edition is delivered twice a month in your choice of CD or MP3 format. About the NEJM Journal Watch Audio Editorial Board.

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