Looking for more editors 19 October 2016 With the upcoming expansion pack Cities: Skylines Natural Disasters, Skylines Wikia is looking for more editors to help expand the wiki.If you are willing to help, you can start right now by For tips on how to best handle traffic, see traffic. Edit; Unique buildings. März 2015 veröffentlichte Städtebausimulation des finnischen Entwicklers Colossal Order, der zuvor schon Cities in Motion und Cities in Motion 2 entwickelte. Search. Cities: Skylines on suomalaisen Colossal Orderin kehittämä ja ruotsalaisen Paradox Interactiven julkaisema kaupunginrakennuspeli.Peli on julkaistu vuonna 2015 Linuxille, macOS:lle ja Windowsille. April 2017 wurde die Xbox One-Edition des Spiels veröffentlicht, die PlayStation 4-Version folgte am 15. The Xbox One and Windows 10 version was released on 21 April 2016.
If you'd like to help improve the wiki, there are some suggestions available here. Anyone can contribute to the wiki.
It includes both modding info written by the devs, and various other info written by players. Cities: Skylines is a city-builder developed in Unity3D by Colossal Order and published by Paradox Interactive. Cities: Skylines Wiki Rights PHP Server API apache2handler PHP Version 7.3.9-1+ubuntu18.04.1+deb.sury.org+1 (7.3) Language English (English) Database type mysql Database version 5.7.27-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 (5.7) Wiki ID wiki_sky-mwsky_ Max upload size 100 MB Server https:/skylines.paradoxwikis.com Article path /$1 Interwiki URL Am 21.
Cities: Skylines is a city building simulation developed by Colossal Order and published by Paradox Interactive. Cities: Skylines ist eine am 10. Cities: Skylines Wiki β. Cities: Skylines is a city building simulation developed by Colossal Order and published by Paradox Interactive. The PlayStation 4 version was released on 15 … Cities: Skylines — відеогра в жанрі містобудівного симулятора, розроблена фінською компанією Colossal Order та видана Paradox Interactive 10 березня 2015 року. Konsoliversioiden käännökset on tehnyt Tantalus Media.
The game is generally perceived it as a competitor or spiritual successor to 2013 city-building game SimCity. Cities: Skylines is a city-building game by the Finnish game developer Colossal Order and was published by Paradox Interactive. From Cities: Skylines Wiki Jump to navigation Jump to search This article has been verified for the current version (1.13) of the game. This page documents the development of Cities: Skylines, including demos, Betas, concept art, staff and other information about the creation Lisäksi peli on julkaistu Nintendo Switchille, PlayStation 4:lle ja Xbox Onelle. Cities: Skylines was released for digital distribution on Steam for Windows, OS X and Linux. Visit the wiki here.
Cities: Skylines was released for digital distribution on Steam for Windows, OS X and Linux. The official Skylines wiki is meant to be a source of various information regarding the game. This article has been verified for the … Want to help improve the wiki? Cities Skylines Skylines Wiki Mods If you are excited about the latest Cities: Skylines edition, Skylines Wiki Cities: Skylines Mods should be of your interest too. Publisher ist wie bei Cities in Motion Paradox Interactive. For Road Editing or modding, see Road Editor. A list of my most Popular Videos spanning games such as Cities Skylines, Banished, Planetbase, The Universim, Anno2205, Minecraft, Scrap Mechanic and more.
On March 10, 2015, Skylines was released on digital distribution service Steam for Windows, OS X, and Linux. Even the game has been released recently, many different Cities Skylines Skylines Wiki Mods have been released to help the players fulfill the desire for even more action.
【Cities:Skylines 攻略ブログ】記事一覧 ※全ての記事が表示されるため重いので注意 トロフィー・実績サイト ・シティーズ:スカイライン - PS4 トロフィーまとめwiki シティーズ:スカイラインに関するページ。PS4 トロフィーまとめwikiです。 From Cities: Skylines Wiki Jump to navigation Jump to search This article has been verified for the current version (1.13) of the game. Cities: Skylines Wikia, also known as Skylines Wikia, is the database for all things Cities: Skylines, the modern city building simulation developed by Colossal Order and published by Paradox Interactive.
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