Create slideshows in Photos on Mac.

Digitale Bilder importiert Fotos auch vom iPhone.

Apples Wechsel von iPhoto auf die von Grund auf neu konzipierte Fotos-App brachte außer einer umgestalteten Bedienoberfläche und iCloud-Integration noch eine weitere wichtige Veränderung mit: Drittanbieter können den Funktionsumfang der Fotos-App für Mac, iPhone und iPad per Erweiterung (Extension) vergrößern. Create a new Photos library and see if your issues persist: Quit Photos. Tipps » Computer » Mac OSX » Fotos verkleinern auf dem Mac. To open a photo in Edit view, double-click a photo in your library, then click Edit in the toolbar.

When you first open Photos, it scans your library to identify people in your photos. 2.

Update your Mac to the latest version of macOS. To ensure... Get started. Es wird automatisch mit dem System installiert. This site contains user submitted content, comments and opinions and is for informational purposes only. After the scan is done, you can open the People album, view photos organized by the faces in them, and assign names to the people Photos found.

Apple Footer.

Perfect your images with intuitive built-in editing tools, or use your favorite photos apps. When you first open Photos, it scans your library to identify people in your photos. Give your new library a name, then click OK.

Fotos verkleinern auf dem Mac. Use your Apple ID or create a new account to start using Apple services.

If you use iPhoto or Aperture to manage your photos... Access all of your photos from anywhere.

Update the software on your Mac to make sure that you're using the latest version of macOS.

Organize your collection into albums, or keep your photos organized automatically with smart albums. Note whether Photos opens successfully with this new library. Adjust.

Apple Footer. In der Fotos App für macOS wählen Sie nun die Bilder aus, mit denen Sie ein CEWE Fotoprodukt gestalten möchten.

Use your Apple ID or create a new account to start using Apple services. 31.

You can quickly play a slideshow of the photos in a day, complete with a theme and music. With iCloud Photos, you can access your photos and videos from your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Mac, Apple TV, on, and even your PC. Sign in to iCloud to access your photos, videos, documents, notes, contacts, and more.

That lets Photos for Mac show you small moments in time and space, like yesterday at the park, but also collections of moments marked by larger changes, like that party across town or that week at the beach, and even an entire year all at once. That lets Photos for Mac show you small moments in time and space, like yesterday at the park, but also collections of moments marked by larger changes, like that party across town or that week at the beach, and even an entire year all at once.

How to edit photos on your Mac Before you begin. The Mac is still the best device for serious photo editing, so you need some serious photo editing apps to make an impact.

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